Drawn o.k., good choices
But wow. a robot, i really wana dress that
Drawn o.k., good choices
But wow. a robot, i really wana dress that
You clearly have no understanding of the true power of robots! They are much stronger then humans! When they grab you with thier metal claws you cant break free...because robots are strong...and they eat old peoples medicine for fuel.
eh. o.k.
U gota give the artwork a tune-up
I HATE THAT THING!!! It's a disgrace to anime! I hate it! i hate it! I HATE IT!!!!
Also, how the hell does this crap have 3.00?
I swear this was submitted already by some1
oh well
eh its ok.
Yup, you cant make pong that exciting. I'd kep it
Cool, but getting old
Make it like DAMN hard. I gota an 8/10!! i want it like a 3/10. HARD!!!!
eh. o.k.
cooler than the last. but not the gretest thing alive. Nice music.
Great Farts
Good dictionary
Dude! Nicely drawn, good choices i guess
Good game, what you draw that in? photoshop or flash? I can't draw for shit. My "dress a juicy-juice can" was blammed :( It had like 20 different things, i guess the ones that stay gota be girls. Damn...
Doesn't have to be girls. Just has to be good. Having many choices is a good idea, and make sure the graphics are somewhat good. It can have any theme as long as the viewers like it.
Stopped making flash back in 03. Realized I sucked like really hard. I've saved 4 of the "best" of tons of barely non-blammed stuff. I'll stick to reviewing.
Age 37, Male
Joined on 1/10/03